The 4th phase of “Eid er Khushi – 2019”

The 4th phase of "Eid er Khushi - 2019"

The 4th phase of “Eid er Khushi – 2019”, a regular event organized by Rongdhonu Foundation, is observed today. On the first three days of the event, we donated new clothes to the orphans, poor but brilliant students who earned scholarships from Rongdhonu Foundation, and street children were taken to the shopping mall to buy them new dresses of their own choice for Eid-ul-Fitr. On the fourth day of the event, we again shared happiness with the street children.

The 4th phase of "Eid er Khushi - 2019"

The 4th phase was held on May 28th, Tuesday at Lucky Plaza shopping mall situated in Agrabad, Chattogram. This day almost 140 street children were taken to the ‘Shoily Collection’ where they choose new dresses as they liked. In our society, street children usually don’t get the opportunity to enter into large shopping malls, that’s why from Rongdhonu Foundation we take them to the shopping center to give them the privilege of buying their own dresses. From “Eid er Khushi – 2019” event, new dresses are given to more than 238 children so far.

The 4th phase of "Eid er Khushi - 2019"

Radio Foorti 88.0 FM is the radio partner of “Eid er Khushi – 2019” event.

Mahmudur Rahman Tooheen, a senior member of the Foundation commented, “We are working hard even on this hot day of Ramadan just to see the smiles of these poor children. We had to divide this event into a number of phases because it is a time-consuming process to gather the street children and then take them in groups to the shopping mall. Our goal is to spread happiness to all levels of society.”

General member Rahanuma Yesmin, Oruni Aminul, Farzana Akter, Tonima Ahmed, Fariya Sheme, Mazharul Haque, Mahbubur Rahman, Tonni Das Gupta, Nusrat Hasan; senior member Minhaz Ibne Faruk, Mahbuba Moushumi, Jannatul Ferdous Jenny, Dilshad Jahan Dina, Selina Akter, Arif Jawed, Mahmudur Rahman Tooheen, Mahmudul Hasan, Ishrat Jahan; founding member S M Samrat, Asifur Rehman Asif, Fariya Raisa, Akib Muhammad Asif; founder Sayed Imran Priom, guest Azharul Haque,Anjuman Mannan and Wafiya Haque Suha were present at the event.

The 4th phase of “Eid er Khushi – 2019”

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আমরা ইতিমধ্যে জানতে পেরেছি যে, খুলনায় আমাদের নাম ব্যবহার করে এবং আমাদের ওয়েবসাইট দেখিয়ে কিছু অসাধু ব্যক্তি অসৎ উপায় অবলম্বন করার চেষ্টা করছে। তারা মাইক্রো ক্রেডিট ভিত্তিক প্রজেক্টের কথা বলে মানুষ থেকে অর্থ নিচ্ছে। এর পাশাপাশি তরুণ যুবকদের চাকরি দিবে বলে তাদের থেকে টাকা নিচ্ছে।
তাদের কেউ কেউ সন্দেহের বসে আমাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করে, এরপর আমরা বিষয়টা জানতে পারি।

আমরা স্পষ্ট করে আপনাদের জানাতে চাই, খুলনায় আমাদের কোন শাখা নেই এবং এরকম কোন প্রজেক্টও নাই। যারা এসব কথা বলছে এবং প্রচার করছে এদের সাথে আমাদের কোন সম্পর্ক নেই।