বর্তমানে রংধনু ফাউন্ডেশনে শুধু মাত্র দরিদ্র শিক্ষার্থীদের স্কলারশীপ ছাড়া, আমাদের কোনো প্রকার কার্যক্রম চলমান নেই। আমাদের কার্যক্রম শুধুমাত্র চট্টগ্রাম ভিত্তিক। দেশের আর কোথাও আমাদের শাখা নেই। আমরা ইতিমধ্যে জানতে পেরেছি যে, খুলনায় আমাদের নাম ব্যবহার করে এবং আমাদের ওয়েবসাইট দেখিয়ে কিছু অসাধু ব্যক্তি অসৎ উপায় অবলম্বন করার চেষ্টা করছে। তারা মাইক্রো ক্রেডিট ভিত্তিক প্রজেক্টের কথা […]
Rongdhonu Foundation Got 7 New Senior Members
Rongdhonu Foundation is proudly announcing that, we are promoting 7 of our General Members to Senior Members this year. One has to come a long way to gain this position in our organization. Members who have contributed at least two/three or more years to the different aspects of our activities are taken under consideration. An […]
Winner of different categories of the year 2019
We honor our resourceful members each year for different contributions. Some members are rewarded for raising funds. Again many members are honored for their contributions to various organizational activities. Moreover, the extent to which they are responsible to the organization is also considered. In that way, a shortlist is made with the nominations of those […]
Faisal: an inspiration
We are proudly informing you that Faisal has proved himself once again by achieving GPA-5 in S.S.C – 2020. Alhamdulillah. This is a proud moment for the members of Rongdhonu Foundation. All of us were eagerly waiting for the result. We were expecting that he would continue his success, and he did! He is a […]
Eid Er Khusi 2019 Final Phase
“Eid er Khushi – 2019”, a regular event organized by Rongdhonu Foundation has come to an end. We first gathered the street children from local areas as planned. Then from 11:30 am, they were taken in groups to the ‘Shoily Collection’ situated at Lucky Plaza, Agrabad; where they bought new dresses of their own choices. […]
The 4th phase of “Eid er Khushi – 2019”
The 4th phase of “Eid er Khushi – 2019”, a regular event organized by Rongdhonu Foundation, is observed today. On the first three days of the event, we donated new clothes to the orphans, poor but brilliant students who earned scholarships from Rongdhonu Foundation, and street children were taken to the shopping mall to buy […]
The story of spreading happiness, 3rd day of “Eid er Khushi-2019”
25th May was the third day of the event “Eid er Khushi – 2019” organized by Rongdhonu Foundation. On the first two days of the event, we took poor but brilliant students who earned scholarships from Rongdhonu Foundation and the street children to the shopping mall to buy them new cloths for Eid-ul-fitr. On the […]
Story of the second day of “Eid er Khushi – 2019” (Happiness of Eid)
We have a really good time spending with the street children. We’ve taken them to Lucky Plaza Shopping Center to buy them new clothes for Eid ul fitr. It was the 2nd day of the event “Eid er khushi – 2019” organized by Rongdhonu Foundation. The experience was quite better than before. Some of the […]
First day of Eid er Khushi -2019 (Happiness of Eid)
First day of Eid er Khushi -2019 (Happiness of Eid)“Eid er Khushi” (Happiness of Eid), a regular event organized by Rongdhonu Foundation, has been launched today, 13th May, 2019 for the 6th time at Lucky Plaza, Agrabad, in Chattogram. The founders of Rongdhonu Foundation Frahim Taj, Sayed Imran; founding member Tania Sultana, S M Samrat; […]
Radio Foorti has joined our event “Eid er Khushi” as Radio Partner
Radio Foorti has joined our event “Eid er Khushi” as Radio Partner. Rongdhonu Foundation is proudly announcing that Radio Foorti has joined our event “Eid er Khushi” as Radio Partner. Radio Foorti is a popular Bangladeshi FM radio station. The station went live on September 22, 2006, and currently available in Dhaka, Chattogram, Rajshahi, Khulna, […]